Where you don't have to remember anyone's name.

Monday, October 17, 2005


It smells like a warm cinnamon bun in my office and it is making my mouth hungry. This should be be allowed when there is still 1 1/2 hours until lunch time.

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Wall

I had this vision of my living room (err... future living room) being decorated with color as I was driving home from church yesterday in the very gloomy weather. A few months back I was visiting an architectural firm for a meeting and they had this wall that really caught my eye. It was covered with picture frames holding photos and certificates and every other sort of thing. There was no rhyme or reason to the placement or anything. The frames didn't match. The subject matters weren't grouped. There was no symmetry. Typically this would have driven me insane but I liked it. I liked it a lot. And so that is where my vision started. I want to cover a wall with picture frames full of color. Bright vivid colors. In the gloomy rainy-ness that was yesterday I drove past the local elementary school and the bright red and yellow playscape glistened with wetness. I think that will be my first photo. I need to go get some film and kidnap my stepmom's camera and start clicking. You never know when you will see color.